Monday, August 13, 2012


I ran my first 5k! It was a cold, windy, drizzly morning in Cleveland; but I managed to drag myself out of bed at 6 AM (!!!) and get there.

I was nervous. I was tired. I had to pee, constantly. Buuuut, I did it! Sort of. I walked a TON more than I would have liked to, but more than half of the course was covered in rocks. Even people in non-barefoot shoes had lots of trouble, so I'm glad that rocky courses are not common. According to my GPS, the course was also .25 miles longer than an actual 5k. Hrmmm. I mean, it wasn't the greatest introduction to racing. The "buzz" and the "energy" that people talk about was pretty much absent, and the people running the race were crabby and not helpful.

But I will do it again! And I will train hard, so I can actually run most of the next one.

My time sucked so I don't even want to share, but I finished it. And that was my main goal.